Heart Shine This Holiday Weekend

Holiday Weekend

Woohoo. It's the holiday weekend and for many people that means time off from work.

Three days off. Time to let your heart and body relax.

Do you have plans?

Hopefully some of your weekend plans include a little "R & R" – rest and recreation.

Relax And Let Your Heart Shine

A picnic or barbecue. Maybe something simple like taking a blanket and a good book to the park. 

Perhaps some time to sit on your back porch with a cup of coffee, allowing a bit of time to set down the smartphone.

Whatever you have planned, give yourself permission to relax whether you're munching at a picnic or resting in a lounge chair.

There Is Virtue In Rest

Relax into rest and allow it to replenish your energy that gets sapped during the busy work week. Transcendental Meditation is a wonderful way to access a deep, healing rest that touches all aspects of our lives.

Activity and rest are both important elements in our lives. It’s not just one or the other. Both aspects, in balance, contribute to our well-being.

Enjoy your holiday weekend.


Sailing Through The Holidays

The Festive Season – Holidays Are Here

The fun and joy of the holidays are upon us. But, uh oh, along with that comes more stress that is associated with the many activities.

Family expectations, travel plans, budget limits, menus and holiday treats to prepare, all of these activities can be demanding.

Managing Your Time During The Holidays

Here are some good tips from the Cleveland Clinic for helping you to manage stress:

  • Set priorities and let go of impossible goals

  • Stop to enjoy the fruits of your labor

  • Don't spend all of your time planning activities for your family. You might end up feeling drained and unappreciated

  • Take the time you need to finish tasks that are important to you. Don't try to complete everything at once

  • Ask others, including the kids, to help you complete chores

  • Rest when your body tells you to.

Sail Through Your Holidays

Don't just survive the holidays. Sail through them.

Make use of these tips to help you navigate through this busy time of year.