Flowers At Home

Flowers To Brighten Our Days

During the pandemic that started in 2020, we have spent a lot of time in our homes. When I lived in San Francisco, there were flower shops near my workplace, so fairly often, I would bring a small bouquet home to decorate my apartment.

As the years passed, I did this less and less. It seemed to be money better-spent elsewhere and, at the time, it simply seemed a bit extravagant.

Fast forward to the pandemic of COVID-19. Staying home as much as we did, having a vase of flowers in the house was a way to bring a bit of nature inside and to brighten up the space with a pop of color.

Flowers From The Supermarket

Where I live now, I don’t have the dedicated little flower shops of an urban environment. My flowers come from the local supermarket. However, these little flower faces have proven to be just as sweet. They provide an uplifting spot of color, a breath of a living vibration that graces the center of the table.

And I’ve found that I don’t have to spend a lot of money for a small bouquet to decorate our room.

Flowers From A Neighbor

One day, a neighbor stopped by and gave us a bouquet of dahlias. These had come from a specialized grower of dahlias. The song of these gorgeous, full blossoms filled the room with their vibrant melody. The variety of the flowers made for a rich harmony of colors and shapes.

Dahlias, with all their variations, are a magical flower changing shape and color with abandon. They are also the “city flower” of Seattle.

Flowers To Mark Our Journey

All of the flowers that have filled our home have their own song to sing. Sometimes they match the feel of the season or they mark the various celebrations passing by on our calendars. Colors of autumn, Christmas themes, a celebration of hearts, a way to bring warm colors inside our homes during dark, winter nights.

Flowers Bring Nature Inside Our Homes

We decorate our homes with flowers even while remembering that the greatest of nature is outside. Of course, we know this. Yet, to have a tiny bit of nature, albeit in cut flowers, inside our room has the vibration of nature. It calls to us, reminds us of the life-force at the center of these colorful little beings. The sap rises in the stems and suffuses the petals with its energy, its life force. We are reminded of our own pulsing “sap” in our veins, carrying life to all the cells of our bodies. We are a part of nature.

For students of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®), we can connect to the marvels of nature with our Radiant Touch®. By using our TRT® hands-on, holding the flowers, lightly touching their petals when we greet them in the morning, we connect with the essence of nature. “Hello,” we say in our hearts as we add more water to their vase, “thank you for being here with me. Thank you for your existence.”

Even in the toughest of times, we say thank you. We lift our eyes to the sky and whisper our gratitude for this day, for these flowers, for our lives… even while we stay at home.

The Blog For Radiant Nursing

We Made A Change To Radiant Nursing

Radiant Nursing – more accurately reflects what we're doing here. It's been an organic process... starting out, trying it out, and discovering along the way.

What I found is that our blog is for Radiant Nursing. The marketing people holler "you are your brand" – but, in fact, that just doesn't work here.

Yes, I am the Authorized Instructor of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®) for Radiant Nursing. But the real star here is The Radiance Technique®.

Hearts in the Wind – A Blog for Radiant Nursing

This blog represents Radiant Nursing and includes notes about the use of TRT®.

It has pictures and photos to inspire us along with sayings and quotes to encourage us. Naturally, some of my personality is expressed, but the main star is Radiant Nursing, not me, Leslie Anneliese.

True Freedom

Herein lies the real beauty – and freedom – of The Radiance Technique®.

TRT® is NOT based on the personality of the instructor; it is not based on any personal belief systems, dogma, ideas or ways of thinking. It is a science of universal energy for you to use in your life.

Your Authorized Instructor provides clear information about the technique, how to use it, and how to benefit from it in your daily life.

When you study The Radiance Technique® with an Authorized Instructor – you are receiving The Radiance Technique®Authentic Reiki® – the real, unchanged attunements that guarantee you access to whole, healing, and universal energy each and every time you use it.

It is the most definitive self-help technique you could want. Once you have studied your degree, it is yours for life.

Gratitude For This Technique

I am grateful for this technique, The Radiance Technique®, in my daily life.

I thought about just going on with my personal life and not teaching... but then, I realized that I really want you to have the chance to benefit from this supportive technique.

Because, believe me, taking a seminar in The Radiance Technique® is a game changer.

A life changer.

All in a way that is loving and supportive of you.

Try it. You'll see for yourself.