When You Are Meditative The Whole Day

Consciousness Is A Continuum 

Meditation cannot be a fragmented thing.

It should be a continuous effort. Every moment one has to be alert, aware and meditative. But the mind has played a trick. You meditate in the morning and then you put it aside. Or you pray in the temple and then forget it.

Then you come back to the world, completely unmeditative, unconscious, as if walking in a hypnotic sleep. This fragmented effort won’t do much.

Consciousness is a continuum. It is like a river, flowing constantly. If you are meditative the whole day, every moment of it – and only when you are meditative the whole day – the flowering will come to you.
— Osho

Does this happen to you? You meditate in the morning, then you jump up to get ready for work and off you run into your busy day.

The next time you connect to mindfulness or meditation is in the evening when you get home.

Oops. What happened during the rest of the day?

Meditation Throughout The Day

In the beginning of our journey, it's not uncommon that we "pop in and out" of a deeper awareness. It can be a challenge to bring the awareness from our meditations into our minute-to-minute lives that are stuffed full of outer activities.

Even if our goal is to have less busy-ness, sometimes we don't have a choice. Work demands gobble up our days and time-consuming obligations take us further away from our own center point.

Whenever you remember, bring yourself back to the awareness. Don't beat yourself up over forgetting. It's okay. It's part of the path in our personal growth.

Expanding Your Awareness

Once you have studied The Radiance Technique® (TRT®), you are able to use TRT® hands-on throughout your day. TRT® enhances your dedicated meditations and also benefits and expands your awareness throughout your busy days.

You can integrate mindfulness into your daily life, such as when you get ready for work, while you are at work, watching tv at home, whatever you may be doing. It's effortless with the use of your TRT® hands-on, for example, with just one hand placed in a position in the midst of talking, walking or in a meeting.

Integrating TRT® into your daily life doesn't make more work for you. It doesn't require extra effort. It's easy to blend your TRT® hands-on into daily activities; TRT® makes it simple to bring increased awareness to all you do.

The more you practice, the less separation there is.

Allowing you to expand your knowingness of wholeness and to be in touch with the continuum of consciousness.



Bring Mindfulness To All That You Do

Ajahn Chah On Meditation And Mindfulness

Sitting for hours on end is not necessary. Some people think that the longer you can sit, the wiser you must be. I have seen chickens sit on their nests for days on end. Wisdom comes from being mindful in all postures. Your practice should begin as you awaken in the morning. It should continue until you fall asleep.

Don’t be concerned about how long you can sit. What is important is only that you keep watchful whether you are working or sitting or going to the bathroom. Each person has his own natural pace. Some of you will die at age fifty, some at age sixty-five, and some at age ninety. So, too, your practice will not be all identical.

Don’t think or worry about this. Try to be mindful and let things take their natural course. Then your mind will become quieter and quieter in any surroundings. It will become still like a clear forest pool. Then all kinds of wonderful and rare animals will come to drink at the pool. You will see clearly the nature of all things (sankharas) in the world.

You will see many wonderful and strange things come and go. But you will be still. Problems will arise and you will see through them immediately. This is the happiness of the Buddha.
— Ajahn Chah

Meditation In Your Daily Life

This is what we seek.

To bring our meditation, our mindfulness, to all that we do. No separation.

Reading this passage by Ajahn Chah, I was struck by what he said about bringing mindfulness to everything. "Why, that is what you can do with The Radiance Technique® and it's so easy!"

This is one of the simple, yet profound, gifts of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®).

Mindfulness In Your Activities

Once you have studied The Radiance Technique®, you are able to use TRT® hands-on in all of your activities. Beginning with The First Degree of The Radiance Technique®, you have access to universal energy. You can integrate mindfulness into your daily life – as soon as you get up in the morning, at work, at home, whatever you may be doing.

What a delight to be able to bring increased awareness, to all that you do. Whether it be glorious moments of great joy, or aching times of deep sorrow, or tiny moments of quietness, whether you are well and healthy or you have an illness – The Radiance Technique® is there for you to use in all your activities.

I simply cannot express in words the fullness of this easy-to-use technique – TRT®.

You really must experience it for yourself.

Experience The Radiance Technique®

I invite you to experience The Radiance Technique® and to go deeper with your meditations and mindfulness.

You're invited to grow, to thrive, with your use of TRT® and to integrate your meditation and mindfulness throughout each day. Explore and discover this vast universe that extends out to the depths of galaxies and returns, yet again, to a raindrop on a flower.

It's your precious life.

It's all there for you.


(The Radiance Technique® is not associated with any religion.)