New Year 2022

Happy New Year!

We hope it will be a happy one, just as we have hoped every year since time immemorial. New Year’s celebrations are always filled with high hopes.

I write “time immemorial,” but we’ve only been celebrating the “new year” since Babylonian times, about 4,000 years ago. To us, as tiny humans, that seems like time immemorial, but you could ask the dinosaurs from millions of years ago and I don’t think they’d have much to say about the new year. But, I digress.

Back to our celebrations. Do you have some new year’s resolutions to mark this one-year journey around the sun? Read more books? Walk in nature on a regular basis? Reach out to friends and family more often?

As we clink our glasses, our celebratory cocktail has a touch of bitters in it, doesn’t it? It reminds us of all that was regretted, lost, or mourned in the past year.

The Virus And 2022

Will 2022 be the year that COVID begins to fade away? Everyone hopes so. When will the day come that the virus no longer dominates our news, activities and movement? It does cause one to pause and wonder whether we should be jet-setting all over the planet, after all.

Perhaps we were never designed for that. Could it be that taking the slow-boat is a more natural way to move on this planet? Maybe a slower, more natural rhythm is what is ingrained in our DNA in spite of the billionaires who leap into space shuttles, claiming that they’re “forever changed” from it, and who tout the benefits of travel to Mars. Why would we entrust our development to them?

At The Portal Of Time

Time. We measure it, count it, divide it, and add it up. Sometimes we have too much, other times, too little. We cling to the past, or fret about the future. We think we know what time is. As if it were tangible.

In fact, time mostly exists in our minds, entangled in our thoughts.

There’s nothing wrong with the acknowledgment of the changing seasons and picking out dates that we celebrate on our man-made calendars. On the New Year, we celebrate a point that we call “last year” and rejoice at a point that we call “next year.” We might want to keep in our awareness that it’s all just one big flow of energy.

We’re always standing at a portal of time. In every minute we stand in the center of the present moment of consciousness and yet, the weight of our human lives often dims this realization.

Still, we sense it. We feel it. We almost see it. Just out of view, at the corner of our sight, it reminds us to look closer. Perhaps this year we will. This year, we won’t just stand in the gateway, we’ll step through to the other side.

Wherever You Go

Wherever you go, there you are. You start to realize that more deeply with each passing year.

In this manner, we share the world of the spider – wherever we go, we spin our own web. Whether our web is humble or glittering with jewels, it’s still created with our fantasies, illusions and deceptions.

Sure, we might change some different ornaments on our web depending on our location. A French croissant, a German beer, an American hamburger (webs are, after all, all about catching food), but it is still a web of our own making with all the sticky traps of the unawakened mind.

Changing the decorations on our web will not change the web itself. Once we recognize this self-made construction surrounding us, it helps us to break free. Our awareness expands and we become more clear about our reactions and conditioning. We still have a web, we need one to live, but it no longer defines us, limits us. It’s only a part of being on this planet, not the core of who we are.

Students of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®) can apply TRT® hands-on especially with Front Positions #1 and #3 as well as Head Position #3 for support with greater insight and awareness.

New Year Wish

This last year, Radiant Nursing didn’t publish many blog posts. Words seemed limiting, inadequate. However, words help us to communicate, so we’ll talk a bit more in the year to come.

For now, as we usher in 2022, a heartfelt wish is captured in this illustration by Pamela Zagarenski.

My wish for you... a holiday, a winter, a year, a life full of joy & peace.
— Pamela Zagarenski

Let’s also add, may it be a year full of good health – with healing on all levels.

Happy New Year 2022.

Ring Out Wild Bells

Call Out To The Wild Sky

It’s time to say goodbye to 2019 and a big hello to our new year of 2020.

Ring Out, Wild Bells

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
   The flying cloud, the frosty light:
   The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.

Ring out the old, ring in the new,
   Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
   The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.

Ring out the grief that saps the mind
   For those that here we see no more;
   Ring out the feud of rich and poor,
Ring in redress to all mankind.

Ring out a slowly dying cause,
   And ancient forms of party strife;
   Ring in the nobler modes of life,
With sweeter manners, purer laws.

Ring out the want, the care, the sin,
   The faithless coldness of the times;
   Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes
But ring the fuller minstrel in.

Ring out false pride in place and blood,
   The civic slander and the spite;
   Ring in the love of truth and right,
Ring in the common love of good.

Ring out old shapes of foul disease;
   Ring out the narrowing lust of gold;
   Ring out the thousand wars of old,
Ring in the thousand years of peace.

Ring in the valiant man and free,
   The larger heart, the kindlier hand;
   Ring out the darkness of the land,
Ring in the Christ that is to be.

Alfred Lord Tennyson (1850)

Happy New Year 2020

As we speed around the Sun of our solar system, another year has passed.. Whirling, stumbling, whisking ourselves into a froth as we count down, and then count up, another year, another decade.

We humans like to count things. We like to measure and and delineate our hours and days. It helps us to feel organized and to make sense of a wide world without borders that looms before us.

The cosmos whirs on without a thought of numbers or counting. What is a year to the universe? Does the universe count its cycles? Maybe it measures things in a universal breath. How long is a breath-in and a breath-out in the deep, dark vastness of outer space?

Inhale. Exhale.

The Light In Our Hearts

Alfred Lord Tennyson, coming from his Victorian background, rings in Christ who represents the light. Whatever our religion or spiritual beliefs, we keep the light burning bright in our hearts as we welcome a new year and move into winter.

For students of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®), we can bring to our hands-on meditations the ringing out of negativity and the ringing in of positive aspects of our lives. Students of The Second Degree of The Radiance Technique® can direct energy to one of the verses of the poem. We are able to direct energy to ideas and energies as well as concrete people and things.

The Winter Solstice has passed.

Remember, even in the dead of winter, the days are slowly growing longer, carrying us forward into spring. A little more light each day. Let that light warm your heart along the way.

Happy New Year 2019

Hello To New Year 2019

Last year was a wild ride and it appears that the bumps in the road will continue.

As a new year rolls into view and we practice writing 2019, remember to listen to the quiet voice in the heart – even while everything and everyone around us runs at a frantic pace.

Take Time For You

Be sure to take time for the little things this new year. Take a break from social media, set down the smart phone and enjoy a walk among the trees.

Bake some bread or cookies. Make a thick stew. Read a book, one that you actually hold in your hands.

Take time to exercise and stretch, to listen to music, to nurture your joy.

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

In this rough-and-tumble world, even if it seems like it’s crumbling around you, look past the worldly troubles and focus on the light in your heart.

For students of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®), take time for a meditation with TRT® hands-on in Front Position #1, in the heart. Use of TRT® expands the radiant energy of your heart center. It supports a deepening of heart-filled wisdom. Listen to your heart as you decide which way to go.

Happy New Year!

“Let not your heart be troubled…” from The Bible, New Testament, John 14:1

Happy New Year


Welcome to 2018.

As particles of time swirl around and fly past us, let us remain bright and steady in the light of our hearts. 

Knowing that we are not defined by the judgments or dualities of battling controversies, we shall not be pulled from our center point of clarity. We're able to see all possibilities and all sides. Everything is held in light.

For students of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®), if we feel particularly polarized regarding a topic, it's a perfect opportunity to apply TRT® hands-on. When we access universal energy with TRT®, we bring balance to our thinking or feelings. With use of TRT®, we expand our awareness and insight into a situation or events. We begin the healing process for ourselves.


As time passes through us, we are observers of the celestial dance.

Wishing all of us love, good health and joyful discoveries throughout the new year.

Let's dance like we'll dance forever.


Happy New Year

Welcome 2017

Time races across the centuries and another year ticks past. A year doesn't meander anymore, it rushes past like an out-of-control wildfire. 

Say hello to 2017. 

You Are The Burning Flame

Many would say 2016 was a wild year. Ups, downs and inside-out. Wins and losses. Strong polarities that pulled people apart and gathered others together. 

Don't let the events of the outer world dim your inner fire. Stand steady in your heart. 

You are the spiral. You are the burning flame within the flower of your expression.

Students of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®) can keep their inner flame burning bright with use of TRT®. 

Stoke the fire within by daily use of TRT® hands-on. When it seems the darkest is when even more hands-on is called for.

Sometimes, in our most difficult moments, all we can do is close our eyes, breathe and do TRT® hands-on. With TRT®, we have a precise way to access universal energy and the fire within us is always expanded.

Keep Your Flame Burning Bright

Your life spark fires from within your innermost temple
no one can reach there but you
it is your inner sacred sanctum…
you are your own master there
only you can reach and ignite your fire!
— Osho

Happy New Year. Keep burning bright.


New Year Resolutions

It's That Time Of Year For New Year Resolutions

The New Year is upon us and with it comes new resolutions.

Are you someone who makes resolutions for the New Year?

Do you make one, two or lots of them?

Three New Year Resolutions

This year I've decided to make three New Year Resolutions

I have a rule in my life, if any list surpasses three items, I write them down. After more than three, it's impossible to keep track of them.

Therefore, to avoid a written list, I'll limit myself to three resolutions.

Because, let's face it – If I write a list, it will only be a short matter of time that I won't be able to find it.

And then, honestly, after another bit of time, I won't want to find it.

With only three resolutions, it should be easy to remember them throughout the entire year.

Categories For Resolutions: Heart, Body, And Fun

  1. Heart – Always begin with the Heart, it's a great place to start. What activity warms your heart?

  2. Body – Get in touch with a positive health habit that you'd like to emphasize during the new year. It can be big or little. Add more fruit to your diet? A little more exercise?

  3. Fun – For the playful part of you, something that appeals to your whimsical side that will keep your spirits light throughout the year. How about taking time to read a book? See a movie series?

Students Of The Radiance Technique®

Expand your use of The Radiance Technique® (TRT®) for the New Year by focusing on qualities of wholeness that you would like to explore. 

One idea is to allow extra time for TRT® hands-on in a specific position of your choosing.

For example:

  • you could choose to spend an extra 5 minutes a day in Front Position #1, to expand the qualities of Universal Love.

  • perhaps an extra 5 minutes in Head Position #3, to expand the qualities of Inner Sight and Wisdom.

With or without resolutions, have a Happy New Year!