Summer Solstice Abundance
/Summer Solstice Is Here
Summer kicks off with the summer solstice, the longest day and shortest night of the year.
During this time of expanding light in the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun pours out its energy. As we move deeper into summer, the Earth responds with greater abundance.
Abundance Of The Farmers Market
One of the joys of summer is the farmers market in Davis, California. In this part of the state, we benefit from the wide variety of produce from the Central Valley basin as well as its long growing season.
Now that I've started canning and preserving, it's a blessing to have organic produce. Turning a delectable bounty into delicious jams means we'll have a bit of summer sunshine during the winter.
Canning Cherries
The organic cherries have just finished at the market. I was able to find time to make cherry-chocolate jam, cherry-port wine jam, and cherry-lemon marmalade. The cherry-chocolate jam is spoon-worthy. It's so good, you can eat it by itself, right out of the jar.
If someone ever gives you their own home-canned cherries, know that they hold you in high esteem. Canning cherries is a labor of love when you pit each and every one of them by hand.
The Abundance Of Summer
Summer is a time to relax into the abundance of the season. An abundance of sunlight translates into long, warm days.
An abundance of stone fruits and berries fill our markets. We relax in pools and lakes and read books while we swing in hammocks. We take extra time for rest and relaxation. Our hearts open to the fullness that surrounds us.
Enjoy the abundance of summer.